
Acupuncture can be used to promote overall well-being and prevent serious chronic disease. It restores balance to the entire body, promoting optimal health and boosting your natural immunity.

Our daily lives and stress take a toll

Stress is inevitable and unpleasant and chronic stress can also damage your health. 

Your body is designed to handle the occasional and quickly disappearing stressor. Fear or trauma trigger more blood and oxygen to your muscles, adrenaline causes your muscles to tense, making you look more intimidating, and your heart pumps faster…all of this is preparing you to attack or flee. This is a perfect survival mechanism but it is not a healthy scenario to experience in the long term. 

I encourage you to take stress management seriously, as chronic stress has physical and emotional effects on your body and in your life. 

The results of chronic stress 

Chronic pain and headaches – Persistently tense muscles can lead to neck and jaw tension, headaches, and pain in other parts of your body

Hormonal and reproductive Issues – Lack of oxygen flow and blood circulation to the reproductive system can contribute to painful menstrual cramps and a host of hormonal imbalances.

Anxiety – Anxiety often occurs as a package of worry, stress, and insomnia, leaving you exhausted and feeling irritable and defeated. Some symptoms of anxiety in your body can be fatigue, changes in appetite, mood swings or depression, trouble catching your breath, and feeling your heartbeat in your chest.

Metabolic disorders – Long-term stress may increase your risk of heart disease, weight gain, endocrine disorders, and cognitive impairment.

Immune issues – Stress robs your body of its resources to fight off the latest cold or flu bug.

Acupuncture reminds your body to relax

An acupuncture treatment lowers your resting blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate; it triggers your body’s rest and digest hormones, promotes circulation, and supports your overall health, leaving you in a relaxed state and feeling rested and recharged.

This gives your body the ability to allocate more energy to digestion, immune function, and cellular repair and it boosts your energy to lead the healthy life you deserve.

Let’s Connect

Reach out for a free consultation.